Ireland AIFs and the AIFMD reporting XML
Alternative Investment Managers (AIFMs) operating under the AIFMD in Ireland will need to file their transparency report to the national competent authority (Central Bank of Ireland) in an eXtensible Markup Language (XML) format, effectively from Q4 2019.
The AIFMD reporting requirements that were updated by the Central Bank of Ireland affect both authorized, registered and non-eu AIFMs. The update means that the Excel file format is being discontinued and AIFMs can only file their Annex IV reports in the required XML format.
We offer an Annex IV reporting template that includes a comprehensive description of what information is required in each field. Our software application validates the clients’ data against ESMA requirements and checks consistency. Geographical, counterparty and other look throughs will be automatically calculated for AIF and AIFM. With our AIFMD reporting software you can generate the right AIFMD reporting XML for multiple jurisdictions at the click of a button, from one data feed.
Our system is designed in such a way that all application logic and data processing is executed locally. No data will leave your premises making it extremely secure.