Report Filing Service


After the Manager (AIFM) and Fund (AIF) XML reports have been generated they must be submitted to the relevant National Competent Authority (NCA). This process of submitting individual AIF and AIFM reports and monitoring the status can be costly, complex and time-consuming. Some NCAs (like the CSSF) require an expensive secure channel, others have a web interface and require each report to be manually uploaded. Feedback from the regulators is often cryptic.

Matterhorn offers a report filing service which enables clients to easily submit reports directly from AIFMD Annex IV reporting software with the push of a button. We manage the report submission process for you and keep you informed about the status and feedback from the regulator via our online dashboard. We assist clients with feedback from the regulator. Our report filing service is also available for clients who use their own XML software.

Ask for our competitive rates.


Report Transmission:

Our filing platform enables secure and seamless transfer of AIFMD XML reports towards multiple regulators, including:

  • Luxembourg: Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF),

  • Germany: Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin),

  • Belgium: Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA),

  • The Netherlands: Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM),

  • United Kingdom: Financial Conduct Authority (FCA),

  • Ask us for other EEA countries.

As part of the onboarding process the client needs to authorise Matterhorn to submit reports on-behalf of the client to the relevant regulator(s). The authorisation process varies for the different National Competent Authorities.

Status Monitor:

The status of the reports and feedback from the regulators are captured by Matterhorn and the client is kept up to date via an online dashboard.


Matterhorn Reporting Services and ComplianceWise Luxembourg announced their merger


Non-EU fund managers operating in the Netherlands will be obliged to report to the Dutch AFM