NewTower Trust Company

Streamlining AIFMD Annex IV Reporting: A Client Interview with New Tower Trust Company

In today’s rapidly evolving AIFMD landscape, Annex IV Reporting is of upmost importance for AIFM’s. New Tower Trust Company, a prominent player in the fund management industry, recently shared their positive experiences with Matterhorn, a leading software and service provider specializing in AIFMD Annex IV reporting. This blog post provides insights into their interview, highlighting the benefits they have gained from partnering with Matterhorn Reporting Services.

New Tower Trust Company operates the BGO Diversified US Property Fund LP, an open-end core real estate private equity fund that focuses on investing in high-quality real estate assets across the United States. Their low-leveraged and diversified portfolio is designed to meet the needs of institutional investors.

Time and Cost Savings with Matterhorn

When asked about the impact of Matterhorn’s services on their AIFMD Annex IV reporting, New Tower Trust Company expressed their satisfaction with the time and cost savings achieved. By leveraging Matterhorn’s Annex IV reporting expertise, New Tower Trust Company reduced the burden associated with fulfilling AIFMD Annex IV reporting requirements for their fund. This allowed them to allocate more resources to their core responsibilities, such as investment management, performance analysis, and fiduciary services for their valued clients.

Enabling Focus on Core Responsibilities

Matterhorn’s role as a trusted third-party service provider has proven invaluable to New Tower Trust Company. By offloading the complex and time-consuming task of AIFMD Annex IV reporting, New Tower Trust Company and BGO have been able to shift their focus to what they do best: delivering exceptional fund management services. The partnership with Matterhorn has allowed them to concentrate on strategic decision-making and providing the best possible outcomes for their clients.

Tangible Results and Improvements

One of the notable benefits highlighted by New Tower Trust Company was the proactive communication and support provided by the Matterhorn team. They appreciated the timely updates on regulatory changes and the potential impact on their quarterly filings with CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier).

Exceptional Support and Communication

New Tower Trust Company praised the level of support and communication they have received from the Matterhorn team. The quality and professionalism of the service were described as excellent, which further strengthened their confidence in the partnership. The proactive and ongoing communication between both parties has fostered a collaborative environment, facilitating smooth operations and an efficient reporting process.

Recommendation to Peers

Based on their positive experiences, New Tower Trust Company wholeheartedly recommends Matterhorn’s services to their peers. The level of service and expertise provided by Matterhorn has proven to be invaluable for New Tower Trust Company, and they believe other institutions would benefit greatly from partnering with them. The timely and competent support, coupled with the seamless reporting process, make Matterhorn a reliable and trusted choice for AIFMD Annex IV reporting services.

New Tower Trust Company’s interview sheds light on the advantages of partnering with Matterhorn for AIFMD Annex IV reporting needs. By entrusting their reporting obligations to a specialized service provider, New Tower Trust Company has experienced significant time and cost savings. Furthermore, the collaboration has allowed them to focus on their core responsibilities, ultimately benefiting their clients and enhancing overall performance. With their exceptional support, proactive communication, and expertise, Matterhorn has proven to be a reliable partner for fund managers seeking a streamlined Annex IV Reporting process.

Thank you, Ian Butler, for the interview and trust in Matterhorn.




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